Reporting Security Issues

Nacon is committed to ensuring the security of its customers by protecting their personal information from unwarranted disclosure. If you feel that there is, or has been, a security issue then please follow this process:

1) Information on how to report security issues

Please email Nacon at with the following information:

  • Product name
  • Date of purchase
  • Location of purchase
  • Details of the issue
  • The location the vulnerability, or security concern, was discovered
  • The detailed description of the steps needed to reproduce the vulnerability or security concern which may include screen shots

You will receive an acknowledgement, of the security issue report, as soon as practicable and status updates until the resolution of the reported security issue.

Please use the email title: "Security issue"

2) Information on minimum security periods

Security updates will be available for 2 years, from the date of purchase, up to the 31st December 2026.

This process is free of charge to the end user.

3) Disclosure to third parties

If the issue reported affects a third-party vendor, or library, then Nacon reserves the right to forward the relevant details to that party without giving prior notice.